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Expert Advice | Dehydrated Skin

Vitamin A
Vitamin A acts as a powerful skincare supplement which can help tackle a whole range of skincare woes. By repairing skin damage on a cellular level, Vitamin A can help to re-educate the skin, normalising frustrating imbalances and helping our skin keep in check.

Dehydrated skin can be a common effect of ageing, alongside a number of other lifestyle factors. Vitamin A can help stimulate glycosaminoglycans, locking in precious moisture and ensuring cells are well lubricated. As with acne prone skin, Vitamin A can help to normalise the production of the sebaceous glands, which is key to achieving balanced, healthy skin. Vitamin A also helps to generate cell health, and stimulates blood circulation - tackling dry, dull skin head on a cellular level, leaving you with with bright and glowing skin.

Vitamin C
Due to the fact that our bodies cannot naturally produce Vitamin C, we need to ensure that we maintain a regular daily intake to promote the natural benefits to our skin. Nearly 97% of women have less than 200mg daily, and nutritionist suggest we should take 2000mg per day to attain the best results.

Vitamin C can boost the natural hydration levels in our skin - leaving you with a flawless, glowing complexion when taken in addition to a healthy diet.

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