Skin Conditions

Skin Conditions | Keloid Scars

Keloid scars are lumpy, red, raised scars that have grown bigger than the original wound that is healing. They are more common in people with African, Southern Indian and Afro- Caribbean heritage. They are completely harmless, but can often cause distress and embarrassment. Unfortunately, Keloid scars are incredibly difficult to treat and treatment is not always successful.

What causes Keloid Scars?

Why people get keloid scarring is not exactly clear, however, they form when there is an overgrowth of scar tissue during wound healing and seem to have a genetic link. Keloid scarring doesn’t necessarily occur just with serious cuts or wounds, it can form even with minor cuts or abrasions, if you are pre-disposed to them.

Where can you get Keloid Scars?

You can get a Keloid scar anywhere on the skin where there has been a wound.

Who can get Keloid Scars?

Keloid scars tend to have a genetic link so if someone in your family has them you may also be prone to them. They are also far more prevalent in people with darker skin types such as those with African, Afro-Caribbean and Southern Indian ethnicities.

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