Skin Conditions

Skin Conditions | Broken Veins

Broken veins are small, dilated blood vessels, which are visible on the surface of the skin and are usually red or purple in appearance. They are also known as thread veins, spider veins, broken capillaries and telangiectasia. They are most commonly found on the legs and on the face, specifically around the nose and on the cheeks. They are harmless, but when they present on the legs can sometimes be an indication of underlying varicose veins.

What causes broken veins?

Broken veins can appear for no reason at all, although there are certain factors which can be seen as a cause. Genetics are thought to play as part, as well as hormonal changes in the body, such as during pregnancy, and the ageing process. Alcohol is also attributed to the formation of dilated blood vessels, particularly on the cheeks or around the nose, commonly known as “drinkers nose” . Standing and sitting for long periods of time can also increase the likelihood of getting broken veins.

Where can you get broken veins?

Broken veins are most commonly found on the legs and on the face, particularly on the cheeks and nose.

Who can get broken veins?

Anyone can get broken veins, but their incidence increases with age. They are also more common in women, with one in five women over the age of 20 being thought to suffer from them. People who consume a lot of alcohol are also more susceptible.

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