Skin Conditions

Skin Conditions | Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Sebaceous Hyperplasia is a common, benign condition of the sebaceous glands. They may be singular, or appear in groups, and appear as small, yellowish, soft bumps with a small depression or pore in the centre, from which a very small globule of sebum can sometimes be expressed.

What causes Sebaceous Hyperplasia?

At puberty, the sebaceous glands enlarge and become more active due to increased production of androgens, and they reach their maximum activity in your 30s. As androgen levels decrease with advancing age, the sebocte (oil producing cell) turnover begins to slow down. This slowdown results in the blockage of the sebaceous gland, causing it to enlarge and thus forming Sebaceous Hyperplasia. Although the hyperplastic glands are often inflated up to 10 times their normal size, they secrete very little oil.

Where can you get Sebaceous Hyperplasia?

Sebaceous Hyperplasia appears on the face, particularly the nose, cheeks and forehead. Occasionally, they can occur on the back.

Who can get Sebaceous Hyperplasia?

The condition usually appears in adults of middle age or older, although people of any age and even babies can get them.

Where can you get Sebaceous Hyperplasia?

Sebaceous Hyperplasia occurs on the face, particularly around the hair follicles, but can present anywhere on the body where you have oil producing glands.

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