
Treatments | PRP - Platelet-rich-plasma

Platelet-Rich-Plasma (or PRP) is the part of the blood which contains growth factors and proteins which are needed for cell healing and regeneration.  This treatment utilises this rich substance to improve the texture and tone of the skin, rejuvenating and tightening it.

Dr Hunt will extract a sample of blood from you and centrifuge it to separate out the plasma. He will then inject this into the key areas on your face, neck and decolletage to help minimise fine lines and reduce wrinkles. This can also be used to address hair thinning, helping to stimulate new hair growth.

A course of 3 treatments is recommended initially and then a maintenance treatment once every 6 months.

Pre treatment: Please clean skin and avoid retinols/tretinoin for 2 days before treatment

Post treatment: leave skin product-free for 24 hours, do not have a facial for a week

Downtime: minimal, there may be minor bruising from the micro injections

You should see results within 3 weeks and after 2 moths you will see rejuvenated skin and improvements in tone, texture, fine lines and wrinkles.

For hair thickening, this can take slightly longer than 2 months but you should see thicker hair shafts and new hair growth

Cost: £400 per session (currently only available at our clinic in Stockbridge)


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