
Treatments | Polynucleotide Treatment

Polynucleotides are the gold standard in true skin regeneration. Utilising filtered, ultra purified and sterilised natural DNA fractions, this injectable serum offers some serious benefits and incredible, visible results.

What are Polynucleotides?

Polynucleotide treatment uses DNA fragments extracted from salmon to bio-stimulate positive changes in the skin. Polynucleotide solution has the capability to send specific signals to the skin at a cellular level to bring about the actions we would like it to perform>

What are the benefits of this treatment?

  • Increases cellular turnover leading to fresher looking skin
  • Increases production of elastin to reduce skin laxity
  • Improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improves the micro-circulation to improve brightness
  • Reduces dark circles under the eyes
  • Keeps skin hydrated
  • Plumps the skin and reduces hollowness under the eyes
  • Can be used to help restore hair loss 

    What does the treatment involve?

    You will have a consultation with your chosen practitioner to understand your skin goals and check if the treatment is suitable for your skin. (Polynucleotide treatment is usually suitable for all skin types). The area of skin will be thoroughly cleansed and if required the area can be numbed to minimise any discomfort.

    Your practitioner will carefully inject the area with the Polynucleotide solution either using a tiny needle or canula. The procedure is fairly quick and there may be a small amount of discomfort. 

    Once the procedure is completed, the skin may be a bit red and bumpy for a couple of days. You can resume your normal activities straight away but it usually advised to keep the area clean and avoid strenuous exercise, swimming, sunbeds etc until the area is healed.

    Is this a one-off treatment?

    We recommend you start with 2 treatments spaced a few weeks apart (depending on the type of treatment you have). As this treatment stimulates our bodies' to repair and regenerate, results will be evident gradually from a few weeks, continuing to improve over time, lasting 6-8 months.

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